Christmas, love it or hate it its here and you can't ignore it. Personally I Love it. To me it is the best time of year because it is the time I stop and think about, if nothing else, what has happened in the year past and what is to come in the new year. And always what is to come is full of hope and expectation, which has to be a good thing. Also I am blessed, Christmas has always meant family, friends, love, food, and a warm welcome.....things that have always been present no matter what and that is part of me. And so we had a party and of course Vintage had to figure.
The 'gang' were all there and my god did they do vintage proud. So this blog is an indulgence of friends and vintage..... two things very dear to my heart.
May your life this 'holiday'season be filled with those that are significant to you and you alone and remember when it comes to relationships.........
There are those that open us up to something new and exotic. Those that are old and familiar. Those that bring up lots of questions. Those that bring you somewhere unexpected. Those that bring you far from where we started. Those that bring you back. BUT the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself and if you find someone to love the you you love well that's just fabulous !!!!!! Have a wonderful time in the coming weeks and may your NEW YEAR be full of VINTAGE !!!!!
The thing I love about what I do is you can find your inspiration anywhere and you just never know when you will spot something that speaks to you. I do all the usual stuff. I read countless magazines and rip out pages which get filed in my 'Inspiration' folder. I watch all the 'house' programmes on TV and always check out the interiors of cafes and restaurants who's ambiance and vibe I love.
I love reading other peoples blogs, love seeing whats new in retail merchandising, get inspiration from interiors books and am fascinated by what 'stylists' and interior designers view as the 'next great thing'......Today's design classics (And trust me Ikea is as good a place as any to pick up that classic !!!!) will be tomorrows vintage.
I love other peoples homes and get great delight in seeing how their personalities are reflected in the the things they love and the spaces they live in.The truth is I am a bower bird and I do pride myself on mixing, eras, styles, tastes. I know what I like and that is good enough for me.......That's what inspires me.
I have been lucky to have lived in the UK, the United States and now Australia in homes that were very different from each other. BUT my 'home', 'my space' has always been important to me in the process of 'settling'. I definitely like to have my memories around me and on reflection, have spent alot of time finding furniture and accessories that I knew would one day be perfect for rooms that I had yet to lay my eyes on.
I have always loved interiors that have a lived-in, not perfectly kept look. I love collections, things that evoke memories and my home is 'filled with living'. I fall in love with the lived-in, and my house is filled with collections, memories, children, pets, clutter, work, and some days when I am very lucky, lots of creativity.
My vibe is kind of tongue in cheek, bohemian, eclectic. Above all, my things evoke memories, give me joy, make me smile. They remind me of a moment, a place, a friend, good times. My 'stuff' is me, love it or hate it. It chronicles my life, it is who I am and the people I choose to share my stuff with share my passion, my sense of fun, my love of life and a desire to celebrate that which has gone before.
I like to break the rules, push the envelope and damn it have fun doing it - so those who have come along for the ride stay with me....... if nothing else it will be fun. Remember there is a place for everything and if it speaks to is you.
Follow your heart. If what inspires you is vintage, rustic, eclectic, industrial, or all of these, just go for it. Interior decorating is SIMPLE...... decorate with things that inspire YOU and make YOU happy. Fill your home with the things you love..... It really is that easy.