Vintage Influence is One Year Old !!!

And as anyone who knows me knows, I do love a quote, a mantra, an inspirational or motivational saying and many of these speak of my experiences. So here is how the last twelve months went described in the BEST way I know how.........

And so the stall opens March 18th 2012, Stall H5, the Cool Room at Waverley Antiques with just the knowledge that....

and this advice....

But hey....

Well there were days like this.....

And some like this.....

Too many days like this.....

And often times like this....

But ........


And quickly you realise that.....

I met all sorts of people along the way whom I have learned so much from. So many gorgeous, enthusiastic, like minded people who have supported me, inspired me, advised me and just kept me going and I Love You All. What can I say.....

And you have all reminded me that...

You learn quickly that.....

And lets face it....

In business..........


I have worked with this as Vintage Influences "Mission Statement" and it has served me well......

And all I can say is.....

I want to.................


This has been an amazing first year and my advise only comes from going after my dream.....

All I know is that the last twelve months have been amazing and I still believe....
So Happy Birthday Vintage Influence and now......