Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Visual Royal Vintage Feast

So Fathers Day came and the usual dilemma of what to buy the Big Man. Question :  'What do you get the man who has everything...... Answer : A women who has nothing' - well I've never been very good at sharing !!!!. And so I bought him The Kings Speech. Yep the only movie we saw at the cinema this year,
1 Together
2.That wasn't made by Pixar
3.Without children
4.Where we didn't leave the cinema feeling 'thats two hours of my life I'll never get back'

And OMG had forgotten what a feast for the eyes this fantastic film was. Vintage, vintage and more vintage. We had hit the vintage mother lode !!! 


 Elegance personified

I'll Take The Paint Effects and The French Sofa

Sigh !!!

Love Love Love

Did I Mention I Love This Wall


Fabric To Die For

Yes I Am Obsessed !!!

And in the real world 'life really does imitate art' and god its gorgeous - check out the rooms below 

And closer to home the wonderfully talented Sue at Montreux,  Prahran who styled this beautiful room setting at her warehouse - Inspired !!! 
(Check out Sue's fabulous blog http://trovetradingco.blogspot.com/ )

And so I am inspired to revisit all things Vintage and Royal. I have a fabulous stash of vintage union jacks, coronation flags and bunting. I feel a project coming on !!!

You see you can take the girl out of England but you can't take England out of the girl

God Save The King !!!! 


  1. It's brought a little tear to my eye............did you say project?? Woohoo!!

  2. fabulous! I too am in love with that wall. Where did you find the paint swatches?!

  3. Loving your blog....loved that movie too and yes we have a beautiful room at our warehouse where we have removed 6 layers of paint and wallpaper - taking a week to do and torn tendons in the process, but well worth the final product!

  4. Colin Firth, love,love love him, Oh and the movie! was anyone else in it !!!!!

  5. I am watching this now for the first time, and the first thing I'm drawn to is Lionel's space. Those stills with the prince sitting on the gorgeous sofa and that wall, that distressed wall that looks like eons of scraped wallpaper.

    Whoever created this set design, this movie is brilliant. I love that you broke it down. On to Pinterest!!!
