There was a point however, when I feared that Cathy would graduate before I finished the chair. Thank god for patience and understanding (On Cathy's part I mean - I nearly went insane !!!). But it was all worth it, my labour of love was complete (in fact I think labour would be easier !!) and my baby was delivered this morning from the hands of my fabulous upholsterer who once again had worked his magic (Harry Potter eat your heart out). Here it is in all its glory !!!!
And for her patience and understanding (And as my Dad always says - If a jobs worth doing it's worth doing well !!!!) I made her a little tea towel cushion - music themed off course.
Cathy you are an inspiration and I hope you love your chair. It truly is a ''one off" for a "one off"
ENJOY !!!!!
I take comissions on my vintage creations so please feel free to drop me an email to discuss.