Thursday, 1 September 2011

For The Love Of Vintage !!!

This is the inaugural post for Vintage Influence. Dedicated to the 'Naughty One', you know who you are, without whom this blog would not exist . The Two Amigos who's endless love, support, laughter and lets face it 'nagging' (Get your windows right !!!) got me through my First Vintage Extravaganza. All my 'Girls' whose confidence in my ability, when I may not have had any of my own, encouragement, friendship, belief and laughter over the years has brought me to this. You send 'the love' from the UK, the States, Singapore and the Australian Burbs on a regular basis, keep it coming !!!!

And last but by no means least my three most precious creations (and not a vintage tea towel in sight) and of course my Best Friend who has always believed in me and never doubted I could make this happen - ' you were with me every step of the way'. Without You Vintage Influence would not exist so For the Love Of Vintage Watch this space !!!!


  1. Wee hee, You're off!!! Fantastic post, Ms. Vintage. You are much loved!
    Naughty X

  2. You and naughty are very clever!

  3. woo hoo, I have found you!!! Love you vintage treasures and you are a lovely person too, what a great comibination. Ok I will be checking back so look forward to more bloggy posts :0)))

  4. Yayyyyyy Lisa....WELCOME to the blogisphere GORGEOUS....I'm looking forward to reading about your creations & Treasures....!

    Tamarah :o)

  5. Well hello there!! Love the blog!!
