Am busting at the seams with new vintage finds and busting a gut to share them with the world - roll on the next Vintage Extravaganza - so much Vintage, so little time !!!!. In my hunt for all things vintage I have found some fab fellow vintage junkies around the globe willing to part with their vintage treasures. One way or another they find their way over hill and dale, through stormy seas and air space to my vintage vaults. Where there is a vintage will, there is a vintage way !!!!
At the moment I am loving shopping (I know for many of you of you who know me well this is a "and tell me something I don't know" moment) BUT what is a surprise is WHAT I am loving........ MERCHANDISING and the trend at the moment towards Vintage Merchandising. Shops are awash with gorgeous vintage props, it is enough to make a vintage girls heart sing (I know for many of you who know me well this is a "please don't" moment so I will spare you) BUT love, love, love your shop fittings guys !!! Of course when I think of vintage merchandising one name springs to mind, Ralph Lauren (You can take the girl out of New York BUT you can't take New York out of the Girl) and my god does he do vintage well !!!!
I want to live here......... Please !!

Love, Love, Love - Vintage, Quirky, Fab !!!
Sigh, Sigh, Sigh !!!!!!
So be still my beating vintage heart when I sourced some ex Ralph store merchandising goodies - Check these out ........
These 'treasures' used to grace a Ralph store stateside - their loss is my gain.
And more ex Ralph -Vintage Trophies in all shapes and sizes
Gorgeous !!!!!!
If you can't wait until the Vintage Extravaganza all the above goodies can be purchased prior, just drop me an email.
You're a marvel! How on earth do you find this fab stuff!!? I can't wait for the next Vintage Extravaganza either. Put me down on the list of helpers! I've got a whole house to decorate soon, you know!